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Transformation, inspired by the alchemical falme.🔥 As the sacred dance of smoke reveals spirits ceaseless omnipresence.. I sculpt a new world from the ashes,reborn again.. Endlessly

..Low octaves send me into the depths, where I gather gems to smoulder & Alchemize..And upon their discovery..I arise to high hymns once again!..Soon overtaken by a droan which struck my ear firmilar tones I hear..merging.. forming, dynamic harmonics.

Flowing through the spiral of time, reflecting.. another year of unexpected alchemy.. looking over my shoulder to witness the transmutation..grinning , as this culmination has brought me exactly where I need to be❤

Bee spirits buzzing about my reality, humming hymns of high consciousness. Sweet stings of soul connection, will one day come to culmination .. As it was clouded by disire, a deep meaning behind the mundane.. I saw her I knew her long before yee, now who do I summon who had you seen?

The Gaian mind is a Healer a Muse, orchestrating poetic aesthetics stirring deep reflections of the self.. encoding my DNA.

When I am gone, where do I go? Dwelling within atmospheres of the unknown I gasp a breath to then hold.. Transmutation, fluxuation gives rise to the alchemical exhale.. fragment's release! To now dance a rhythmic Reunite as whole..

Cacao under the Juniper tree .. I seek to dance with thee. A sacred communion, chemical union.. Divine Heart opening 

Oh the bridges we have built, and demons we have slayed ..The devas we've delighted full circle we come home

Connecting, receiving.. Vessles of light beaming reflecting upon one another gleaming.. expanding, receding finding a away to one another a divine meeting. Unifying.

Within the womb of Pachamama ,a wild tribe resides..offerings of creation weaving our alchemical design💕 ayho!! 

Shared space, of sacred offerings.We recognize the integration of our individuality that creates a community, completing the circle of unity.💜🙏 Honouring the healing power of sound, and the weavers of the dream of light! Let Our Sacred sounds flow into the physical to manifest miracles

Rebirth..moving forward into the new , walking the beauty way,sheding the past, recollecting source energy weaving the dream

Spirals scattered among the forest.. teach to me, the intracate dynamic of our reality

Sacred tools🌿 She guides me home..into the womb of creative expression..She is the midwife of my source essence , as it is birthed into the physical. She is a key, unlocking the flow of pure spirit manifest in beloved experince..She is my Hoop 

May you flow freely throughout the door ways of Consciousness. Transformation a tool on the quest to transcendence










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